Learn To Do SEO Content Writing From Existing Content

Learn how to create new content from existing content and generate new traffic

Learning how to do SEO content writing from already existing content makes it easy for brands to repurpose material that they have already developed. This can be particularly useful as often different customers like to consume content in a variety of ways.

To do content writing with existing content as your draft, think first about the persona and the stage of the buyer’s journey that this particular customer likely falls when they are interested in the topic at hand. With this information, you can make a list of the types of content that they might want to consume. This will help you develop a planlearn to do seo content writing with existing content in mind - brightedge for taking your existing material and creating new content types. These steps will help you understand how to do content writing with existing content:

  • Transition material between written content and video
  • Transition material between a blog post and longer content
  • Transition material between blog posts and social media content

1. Transforming material between written content and video. Video has become increasingly popular as customers appreciate the opportunity to sit back and consume content with minimal effort on their part. The visuals of a video also help to engage them.

If you have a blog post you want to turn into a video, read the post through and pull out the most important points that you want to make in the video. Take these parts and use them to develop a script that the person in the video can use for guidance. Publishing a transcript alongside the video can also benefit you from an SEO perspective as it allows the search engines to understand the content of the video as well.

If you have a video that you would like to transition to a blog post, see if you have a transcript or script available of the video. This will allow you to review the material covered and begin to adjust the wording to create a written-content style. With the outline available from the video, this will go significantly faster than creating a blog from scratch.

If you do not have a transcript or script available, then simply watch the video a few times and take notes as you go.

2. Transforming material between a blog post and longer content. If you already have a blog post and you want to create a longer piece of content, such as a white paper or an ebook, then take the blog post and open it in a new word document. Pull out each point you cover in the post and use it to begin brainstorming areas where you can expand the material and dive in deeper. You want to think of the blog post essentially as an outline that you can use to guide your ideas, while also taking your new audience much further in the subject.

On the other hand, if you have a long piece of content that you want to use to create a blog post, you will take this process in reverse. Brands often use shorter blog posts of longer research or white papers because it allows them to build an interested audience and then offer them a link to the more in depth content.

Therefore, sit down with the longform material and identify your key points. See if any of the key ideas can be eliminated to leave something unique for the white paper or ebook. For the ones that remain, look for ways to shorten the details you offer. Your blog post should provide valuable information but offer more of a cursory examination of the topic than your in depth publication.

3. Transforming material between blog posts and social media content. Your blog posts can also provide assistance in the creation of social media content. Pull out some of your main ideas and use them to create short social media posts and teasers that can help you attract attention for the full post. Statistics, for example, can make great tweets that encourage people to want to learn more.

Social media can also help you figure out what topics interest customers the most. If you see that posts on a particular topic build a lot of interest, use your posts on the topic to start putting together a full blog post to explore the topic for readers.

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