Understanding Data Guiding SEO

Guiding SEO Data with BrightEdgeWhat is SEO data?

The content marketing industry has become increasingly saturated over the past few years. Now an estimated 80 percent of B2B companies say they have some kind of content marketing strategy and 76 percent B2C companies say that they use content marketing. Each year budgets increase and more brands start developing their own content to compete.

While these developments are generally positive, they do make it more challenging for brands to rank well in SERPs. Data is the key to understanding what customers want and when, so that you can be there to provide it for them and guide them through the buyer’s journey.

Do Data Research Through Data Cube

What does SEO data include?

Brands can monitor nearly everything in content and search marketing, but there are a few types of data that brands need to focus on particularly closely.

Keyword data

Brands should monitor the keywords most applicable to their industry and use data to understand which of these terms and phrases matter the most to their customers.

Website analytics

Brands should pay attention to their website’s overall performance, including traffic rates, bounce rates, engagement and ranking in SERPs.

Conversion analytics

Conversion is the final goal of marketing campaigns, so brands should always track how well their efforts are leading towards conversion. Track conversion numbers, cost per lead and cost per conversion.

Customer analytics

Understanding the customer is the cornerstone of any quality content marketing campaign. Brands should know the customers that are responding to their marketing efforts and how well they line up with the original ideal personas.

How do I get started using data for SEO?

  1. Use data to identify keywords and topics that you would like to target.
  2. Use this information to determine the types of content, the topics, the keywords and the distribution plan that you will use for your campaign.
  3. Create goals for every level of your campaign, including traffic, conversion and cost rates.
  4. Use analytics to monitor how your campaign performs compared to these goals.
  5. With your results in hand, determine what modifications need to be run on the campaign to be more successful in the future.

Data can help make your campaigns more efficient and more productive. By guiding each step of the campaign, the numbers offer you irreplaceable insights about what your customers want to see and how well your efforts are lining up.

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