Technical SEO Checklist

Use this checklist to begin a site audit to correct technical SEO errors

Technical SEO refers to optimizing your site for technical efforts and errors including everything from redirects, to XML sitemaps, hreflang, schema markup, page speed, structured data and much more. Technical fixes allow your pages to be more easily found and categorized by search engines through crawled content, indicating to search engines that your site is valued by users, giving you the opportunity to rank higher in the SERPs and more. It is the overall foundation of the back end of your site.

While technical SEO can seem intimidating, it’s not as difficult as most beginner SEOs think. There are aspects of technical SEO that require experience to master, but the basics of technical fixes can be pretty easily understood.

We’ve put together a technical SEO checklist to guide you through the most important technical capabilities of SEO to run a site audit and begin fixing technical errors.

Download our technical SEO checklist to best plan for your site audit.

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