How To Create A Webinar?

Can you make money with webinars?

Webinars offer a range of benefits for brands. To begin, they are a fantastic means of establishing trust with your target audience. You will be casting yourself as the authority and acting as a helpful resource for others when you create a webinar.

Live webinars also allow you to interact personally with prospective customers. Your attendees will have the opportunity to hear you speak on topics that matter to them. Offering a question and answer (Q&A) section is a great way to get to know the questions and concerns of your target customers while establishing your authority in providing answers to these questions.

Effective webinars can also support other parts of your marketing strategy. You can use the registrant list to help grow your email lists so that you can continue tocreate a webinar that works for your audience - brightedge engage with prospects. After you create a webinar, it can be recorded and offered as gated content after the session and continue to bring in more prospects and leads. You can use your CTA at the end of your webinar to offer your products in order to profit off of a webinar.

How do I decide what topics to cover?

When you decide to create a webinar, the right topic is crucial for having an effective one. It will help you attract registrants and keep everyone engaged throughout the webinar. The key to understanding the topics that will interest people is researching the latest trends in your industry, including what other industry leaders are covering. This does not necessarily mean the topics that others are covering in webinars; if you repeat what everyone else is saying, you will not have an effective webinar. Instead, you want to find the topics that are attracting attention in articles, blogs, movies, and other formats that would also translate well to a strong webinar.

Use organic search research, such as through the BrightEdge Data Cube, to better understand the topics that people are searching for the most. This will help you find the topics to create a webinar on that will attract audiences to your webinars. Consider the buyer’s journeys of your target customers and their pain points. This will help you understand what customers would like to read about that will help encourage them to progress through to conversion.

How do I develop an effective webinar?

To create a webinar that is effective, you will need three main parts:

  • A strong draw that attracts people to register and attend
  • A quality presentation that leaves people feeling encouraged and enthusiastic about you and your brand
  • A strong follow up that encourages people to access recordings from the webinar or decks from your presentation as gated content

How does a webinar work?

1. Creating a strong draw

  • Begin by creating an engaging and search-friendly headline.
  • Advertise your webinar throughout your distribution network. Creating preview videos, blog posts that describe what participants will learn, promotional announcements on newsletters and emails, and even using some paid search can all attract traffic to your webinar.
  • Create an appealing offer for those who attend the webinar, such as a 10 minute consultation or a new download, such as an infographic or white paper.

2. Assembling a quality presentation

  • Use an experienced presenter who knows how to deliver information in a friendly yet authoritative manner.
  • Do not fill up your presentation deck with too much text or dry bullet points. Instead, keep the text minimal and use engaging images.
  • Remember that people are more likely to recall feelings than numbers - so do not just read off lists of statistics. Instead, incorporate the data into a greater story that connects with the users.

3. Ensuring a strong follow-up

  • Create articles and blog posts after the webinar, articulating the most important information that was shared and some of the best questions you received. Include a link to the gated webinar content.
  • Promote the recording and gated content on social media and your website.
  • Webinars can be great tools for boosting brand reach and reputation. Keeping these guidelines in mind will help guide you towards success.

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