AIS Media's SEO Program Helps THRIVE Secure New High-Value Clients

Learn how AIS Media helped THRIVE drive a 65% increase in organic traffic

increase in page one rankings
increase in organic traffic


As an innovative product design firm, Atlanta-based Thrive needs to be visible to the right buyer at the right time. Apart from trade shows, industry conferences, and referrals, Thrive’s best opportunity to get in front of new buyers is through their website.

As a means of generating more business, creating an SEO campaign to drive website traffic was a critical foray for Thrive. They partnered with Atlanta-based digital marketing and SEO company, AIS Media, to create an SEO campaign designed to meet aggressive business goals.


The business team needed to understand Thrive’s target audience in order to develop an effective keyword strategy that captured their buyers’ decision making. AIS Media leveraged BrightEdge’s Data Cube to determine which keyword opportunities would be most valuable for their goals. AIS Media developed a keyword strategy broken into two keyword-specific groups that mapped the content of the site to nurture ranking growth and benefit user flow. AIS Media segmented the needs of each audience by developing content that would Leverage BrightEdge’s preferred landing pages and recommendations engines.

AIS Media then developed additional content for each keyword group to bolster content for case study work, expertise areas, and staff pages. Because Thrive worked with high-profile companies, such as Chick-Fil-A, Coca-Cola, and The Home Depot, case studies helped Thrive’s website appeal to their audiences and supported their journey through Thrive’s thought leadership content.


12 months into the SEO campaign, the site had an 87.8% increase in page #1 Google-US rankings for these two keyword groups. As a result, Thrive’s organic traffic increased 64.8% compared to the previous year. Google’s first-page visibility also allowed Thrive to increase online market share, as measured by the BrightEdge Share of Voice tool. According to Jon, CEO at Thrive, their organic leads helped source and secure major client deals.

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